small is beautiful | Renzo Piano
Architecture is the art of understanding people and their needs. It’s giving answer to desire and dreams.
Architecture is about fighting against gravity (though it’s a bit stupid: gravity is the most stable law of phisics)
When I was young I used to know how to define architecture, but now I’m lost, there are too many things, it is confusing.
Art makes people be better people.
Renzo Piano, June 2010
[La arquitectura es el arte de entender a la gente y sus necesidades. Es dar respuesta a deseos y sueños.
Arquitectura es la lucha contra la gravedad (aunque esto tiene algo de tonto: de las leyes de la física, la gravedad es la más estable)
Cuando era joven creía saber definir la arquitectura, ahora ya no lo tengo claro, arquitectura son tantas cosas que resulta confuso.
El arte mejora a las personas.]
Renzo Piano, Junio 2010
You cannot analyse beauty, nor build it from ingredients
Jacques Herzog, June 2010
Beauty is the only thing that has the power of seduce everybody. Beauty is intense. It is an incredibly intense emotion and people do not usually understand that beauty is not only romantic beauty.
Renzo Piano, June 2010
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